Portrait of Jesus as mystic and stigmatic Rhoda Wise saw Him
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Used with permission from author. Photo/story from book titled Her Name Means Rose -The Rhoda Wise Story written by Karen Sigler S.F.O. |
See [here] photos of Rhoda Wise's stigmata.
Rhoda Wise in her own words - Our lord and the Little Flower appeared to me on the second anniversary of the healing on my abdomen. June 28, 1941 at 11:45 p.m. All week my heart ached with longing for my Savoir, until I thought I could not stand it. All day long the odor of roses was very noticeable about the house. In the evening someone sent me several dozen roses for my altar. Before retiring I place them on the altar saying, as I always do, " For the Sacred Heart and the Little Flower with all my love." I then knelt in prayer and said because of my heartache, "Jesus, help me tonight." Jesus said. "Yes, my child, I will help thee." There He was, standing behind me, and as I turned towards Him, He said:" You are chosen to win those souls I send to you. Many are weak and unbelievers. Through suffering, trials, heartaches, through prayer and your intercession, many will be saved. "There will be many cures and manifestations of God's power on this spot. Those coming here will receive many blessings, and through contact with you, many will be saved. To do this, above all other attachments, regardless of all things, you must serve Me first. Some who you think strong are weak and their faith wavering. Through contact with you they will become stronger. I will manifest Myself in various cures that others receive light and faith. Countless thousands will seek you. Only through suffering and heavy crosses can My work be done. You are chosen. You will not fail." The Little Flower appeared for a short time . She said, " I am ever near you. Thanks for the roses with love." She was smiling beautifully. Our Lord looked more serious than ever before. He smiled only when He looked at His picture on the altar. Before leaving He Blessed religious articles for me. The picture mentioned may be the first attempt made by an artist to portray Jesus as Rhoda saw Him. Rhoda, however, was not satisfied with that first attempt and she asked Sister Rosalia of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine to try and capture with oils her handsome Jesus whose golden robe reflected every color. The painting was finished by October, 1942 and became a permanent part of Rhoda's altar room. In 1943, Monsignor Habig allowed copies to be made which were sold to cover the printing cost. Rhoda's picture of Jesus was miraculous for several reasons - beginning with how it came to be. One Sunday while Rhoda was speaking to the many visitors who had gathered at her home, she was called away into the family's living quarters momentarily. When she returned a soldier in the crowd stopped her and asked when she would have The Lord's picture in the altar room. She didn't look up but laughed and said, " I can't even drawn a moon-face. I don't know how I would draw a picture of Our Lord." " You can, you will, and you must," the soldier replied. Rhoda looked up at the serious soldier. His eyes were familiar. It was Jesus Himself! As soon as Rhoda recognized Him, He disappeared. Somewhat dazed, Rhoda asked the other visitors if they had seen the soldier who had been among the crowd. All of them had been aware of a man in a uniform, but no one paid any special attention to him! Later, when Sister Rosalia was painting the picture, Rhoda kept telling her the eyes weren't right. In absolute frustration, Sister told Rhoda to paint the eyes herself- which Rhoda did while Our Lord guided her hand. Another time, tears flowed from the eyes in the finished painting and also from the eyes of Rhoda's statue of St. Therese. And finally, some years after Rhoda died, the picture of Jesus (which had lost much of it's color) was miraculously redone. Monsignor Habig told Anna Mar, " It must have been a touch from Heaven." [See here] story titled 'Phenomena still said to occur in house of woman who endured wounds of Jesus" Caretaker for house of stigmatic says scent of roses and healings still occur. Learn more about these events at [RhodaWise.com]. Also [facebook]. To visit Rhoda Wise's home or [obtain] copies of The Rhoda Wise Story call 330-453-0322 or write 2337 25th St. NE Canton, Ohio 44705.