October. 29, 1945 at age 9 Joseph Vitolo witnessed the Virgin Mary hovering over a spot where a shrine is now. The story is know as the Bronx Miracle.
- Priest with brain tumor says he was healed while visiting Lourdes - Thanks be to God, the priest rejoiced. I’m just very excited–I was happy either way, but again, I went to Lourdes and was healed.
- Chicago area man tells his near-death experience story: 'It's a beautiful feeling' - In article Humberto Casas tells of suffering a cardiac arrest while riding his bike last winter. He says he experienced death and saw his children from above as his soul traveled toward heaven.
- Cancer coaches, survivors finish cross-country journey - In article man talks about being healed by Jesus. He was laying on a hospital gurney when he said he had an encounter with Jesus.
- Dad and I died and came back - Remarkable near-death stories. I found myself up in the ceiling looking back down at my body when I was about 12 years old, in hospital with double pneumonia.
- Woman gives birth while in coma, awakens after St. John Paul II appears to her - I saw Pope Wojtyla. He was sitting on my bed, calling out to me.
- Michigan man says Blessed Solanus visited him during COVID-19 hospitalization - Nolan Ostrowski says friar appeared twice in the hospital during saint's feast day, touched his ribs.
- Miraculous survival and message from heaven - I turned around and was looking into the face of Christ.
- The near-death experience that made me a top musician - Article mentions as a 16 year old at work falling from a great hight and seeing a vision of himself playing a musical instrument, despite never having learned to do so.
- Essex dad's legs crushed after smashing into stranded lorry sees white light - Article mentions seeing a powerful, bright, white light before him. Being weightless floating towards a distant light.
- Near-Death Experience Paves Way to the Priesthood - Article mentions an internal hemorrhage, followed by a cardiac arrest, that propelled him out of his own body, he says, toward a powerful light in which he felt surrounded by God’s absolute love.
- 'I was blessed; in Vietnam I should have died' - In article, recalls while in a coma for 14 days. Lying in his hospital bed, “I got up and saw the Blessed Virgin Mary come to me. She said, ‘Get up,’” he said, adding, “I got up because of Her.”
- Sean happy to be home after near death experience - In article recalls an out-of-body experience he had when he suffered an emergency respiratory failure.
- 'Beautiful:' Martinsville native describes Heaven after doctors declare her dead. - In article talks about seeing her deceased Dad and Mom and hearing the voice of God.
- Patient recovers with only 30 percent chance of surviving. - In article mentions seeing God. “I saw God,” Durning said. “I was floating peacefully towards a beautiful light and an old friend sent me back saying I wasn’t ready.”
- Police at Nashville blast credit divine intervention - "I literally heard God tell me to turn around," an officer said of surviving the blast.
- Canfield man says miracle helped him beat COVID-19 - In article talks about as his life hung in the balance, seeing, talking with God as he was being held in his arms. In the hospital he had a vision at 3 a.m. a well dressed man asked him if he wanted to get out really quick. That he would have to do somethings for him. That if he stops praying and talking about how good God is in his life he would get him out right away. (Right then he knew who it was and rejected him).
- 'Our son saw God' 3-year-old boy miraculously survives near drowning -"He said he talked to a big man through a window with a bright light, I mean our son saw God that day.”
- Near-Death Experience impels French film director to show Christ to the world - Natalie Saracco and a friend were involved in a terrible car accident. Trapped inside the car, she felt life slowly drifting away. Then is when Jesus Christ appeared to her.
- A search for meaning after my near-death - In article talks about during a sudden cardiac arrest, being aware of a bright multicolored light shimmering close to him and hearing a voice tell him “You’re not done.”
- 4-year-old says she had spiritual encounter during near death experience. - A local couple says their daughter nearly bled to death after a routine procedure, but miraculously, she survived. However, her parents say she was changed. Despite never saying the word death, 4-year-old Zola started talking to them about the time she died and going to see God.
- Wife credits Jesus with lifting husband from coma - "I heard steps in the hall and I knew it was Jesus coming." And he said, "I looked up and Jesus stood beside the door and Hilda, he was beautiful."
- Tractor crash survivors out of body experience - In article talks about as his life hung in the balance, feeling his late parents, one on each side, lift him upwards towards a light.
- When Charlotte’s heart stopped, her amazing visit to heaven began - In article talks about being above her body seeing the doctors working on her. Also seeing angels, a beautiful heaven and her deceased mother, father and hugging her miscarried son.
- Ex-snooker boss Ian Doyle "died for three minutes" - In article talks about seeing his deceased father James as his heart stopped beating.
- Divine instruction: Olathe man thankful after near-fatal football accident - From emerging from a coma, to learning to walk and talk again, James says he found strength during his near-death encounter. He says it was an encounter with Jesus.
- Romford owner Glenn Tamplin: I was dead for two minutes - In article talks about seeing Jesus. I was trying to talk to my wife and she was crying, but my body was downstairs and I couldn’t work out how I got upstairs, then the Lord held his hands and took me.
- Walking talking miracle. Wildfire rescue saved couple from burning elevator - In article mentions seeing Jesus. I passed out. I saw Jesus in the white light in a tunnel. And I remember his arms were not extended out, so maybe he's not ready for me yet.
- Alive and kicking: Holly is Elizabethton's football miracle - In article mentions seeing Jesus. Jaxton’s miracle came into focus. He said he came to consciousness while on the ventilator and believes he saw Jesus.
- Man injured by saw thanks Life Star staff for saving his life - In article mentions out of body experience and also seeing his deceased mother during the near-death experience.
- Tracy Denison talks about his encounter with Heaven during a near-death experience - “In the ambulance, I died,” Tracy said. “While I was dead I (saw) the city of gold, … the huge palm tree, I (saw) it, so what is in this Bible is the truth. What God says He has ready for us, it’s there.)
- Aunt inspires tattoo after being brought back to life, says heaven ‘is real’ - After being brought back to life after a massive heart attack pens it’s real. Then points up to heaven and began crying.
- Saving a river chapel sprung from a vision of Jesus - Pat Hymel stands on the dock in front of Our Lady of Blind River Chapel, along Blind River in St. James Parish, La. The chapel was built decades ago by her parents, Martha Deroche and her husband Bobby, after Martha had a vision of Jesus.
- Woman recounts her out-of-body experience during a fateful day in Tucson - Lesley Lupo died for 14 minutes after being trampled by horses "I popped out of my body and I stood about 15 feet away."
- School teacher returns to classroom 5 years after brain tumor surgery - In article mentions an out-of-body experience as she watched nurses and doctors working on her body.
- In article purple heart recipient mentions seeing a bright light - and his life flashing before his eyes. "I saw a bright light and my life flashed right before me ... it was like shuffling a deck of cards"
- Ohio native shares story of near-death experience - In interview mentions seeing the scene of being loaded in the ambulance from above. Seeing a white figure that seemed to be bigger than the others. Also given a cup of "life".
- “I saw Jesus,” Oklahoma man recalls near-death electrical accident - Right before I came to, I saw Jesus - standing there. He didn't have his arms out wide like this, he kind of just had them right here and he was looking at me. He was just looking at me."
- Woman with stage 4 liver disease, talks about her near death experience. "That every single action or decision that I make in this lifetime, I have to account for. Every single one, no matter how small or how large matters greatly". And that nothing, absolutely nothing, matters more than love.
- Heart attack survivor: ‘I don’t know why God spared me’ I’m not so concerned about the reason because I know heaven is real. If He wanted me here, there is a reason.” She paused, looked back at that world globe, then added: “We come here to die. We are here for just a season, or two or three or four. It’s going to end. What difference have you made in somebody else’s life?
- Trauma survivors honored as they reunite with medical teams who saved their lives. In article mentions Ohio man Kenneth Coleman who was brought back to life. He talks about seeing heaven.
- Defying the odds: Woman struck by lightning walking, talking. In article mentions that she had an out-of-body experience during the minutes after she was struck by lightning. Also remembers being with deceased Aunt that was holding her while she was in a coma.
- Trauma doctor: I saw spirit of crash victim's deceased wife in the O.R. Former emergency physician speaks to medical students about surreal experiences.
- Hilary Williams recalls near-death experience. During horrific accident remembers leaving her body, looking at the event from above, going to heaven and seeing deceased relatives.
- Michelle Crawford at age 10 while in severe heart failure, had a encounter with Jesus Christ and his disciples. I remember I couldn’t wake up and I had drifted off. I met someone, who I believe was Jesus. And He was coming for me. It was a wonderful setting. It was on a beach and it was night-time. Everything was black and the only light was the Moon. And Jesus arrived on his boat with his disciples.
- MN doctor mentions being wounded as a soldier and having an out-of-body experience. Perham man who nearly died in Vietnam learns firsthand about sacrifices. A part of Bill Rose is looking forward to the next life having caught a glimpse of it in 1968.
- I Went to Heaven: Las Vegas Shooting Victim Describes Out of Body Experience during emotional reunion with hero who saved her. Melanson said she had an out-of-body experience. My body just rose up, and I could see my body laying on the ground, and I went to heaven.
- Jesus Christ has been physically appearing to me for many years – Reverend Sister claims. - As Christians all over the world celebrate Easter, a nun, Reverend Sister Emmanuel, has revealed her encounters with Jesus Christ.
- Sperryville woman sees ‘the light’ after her heart stops beating. - “I went from being there [in the hospital] to this beautiful little place. And then further along there was this other brighter light” that Kevis described as extremely white.
- Oklahoma woman recounts heavenly encounter after horrific car wreck. - She flat-lined. “I saw a gold chair off to the right. Big round light in it. I can't describe anything in the chair, just the big light. And Kody came walking up.
- Teen recalls near-drowning experience ten years later. - She said while she was unconscious and on life-support she had an out-of-body experience. “She says I went to heaven. I sat on Gabriel’s lap. My dog that died ran to me, and I saw my ancestors.”
- Godwin student paralyzed in crash: ‘Heaven is real. I’m here for a reason’. - He said, “I remember my uncle, I saw him in like heaven, and he told me that I’m going to get through the surgery and everything is going to be alright.
- Irish man says God spoke to him after devastating car crash that left him with a broken neck and back. - “I had an overwhelming feeling of calm and I knew I’d be OK.”
- Kelowna single mom is thankful to have a second chance to raise her teenage son. - Maureen died and came back to life.There are no words to describe what I went though, just that it was awfully pretty and beautiful.
- Dallas officer describes spiritual brush with afterlife. - Ed Lujan was moments from dying. He was run over by a SUV three times. He knew he was dying. I felt the euphoria of my life and soul leaving my body. He then saw his deceased Dad and God. His Dad spoke to him.
- Pender woman survives cancer, heart failure - She doesn't fear the end after a series of near-death experiences. She said she once went to a room filled with everyone whose lives she had touched.
- Texas teen says he saw Jesus before being revived - Texas high school football player Zack Clements claims he met Jesus, who told him 'everything would be alright' after he collapsed in gym class and had no pulse for 20 minutes.
- Barber Joe Battaglia saw The Virgin Mary - Battaglia described the vision as a glowing figure outside his window, looking like a brilliant white christmas tree. The barber then went outside and the figure began to take shape, he says, ultimately coming into focus as the blessed mother. He said Mary told him don't be afraid, my dear, I have a mission for you. According to Franczyk So he built this incredible shrine.
- A California heart transplant recipient mentions seeing gates of Heaven - after waking from his coma seeing Heaven, Angels, family members, friends and past co-workers who have died...Then all of a sudden they said I wasn't ready to come and join them, he said. Then it faded out.
- Florida Mother survives 45 minutes with no pulse, remembers seeing a spiritual being - who she believed was her dad. I remember the light behind him and many other spiritual beings.
- 2 year old girl with heart defect had visions of Jesus - Hey Jesus. Hi. Hi Jesus, she said, to her moms surprise. What do you see, babe? Tamrah asked.Hi Jesus. Hi, little Giselle continued, her eyes wide with delight. Where is He? Right there, she pointed.
- Tennessee man believes he was in God's hands after fall from shed - His feet tangled in a ladder and toppled to the ground. He pulverized his spleen. His heart stopped beating long enough to prevent him from hemorrhaging to the point of no return, during that time he went to heaven. I watched my limp body on the ground and realized that it was broken, there was too much damage to be fixed. And then in one quick motion, my soul was going upward toward a light that we humans are not able to describe.
- Jim Caviezel talks about his suffering making The Passion of the Christ - He mentions being close to death. His shoulder dislocated, lungs full of fluid, struck by lighting and remembers being out of his body and looking at it.
- James Harrison's near death experience made him a 'knower,' and inspired a song - They hooked the rope to the bumper of an ambulance and jerked a couple of times. But it was hurting me too much so they had to quit." Harrison said that moment was when his world changed. "I had thought I was the only one in that hole until I realized the One I had always heard about was there with me," he said with a smile. "It seemed that His image was there in front of me. That was the moment that turned me from a believer into a knower. I said, 'If you'll help me, I promise I'll do better.'
- Pronounced dead, Mission Texas woman spontaneously revives, talks about her Near death experience. - Remembers going to Heaven, seeing Dad and Mom who passed away years ago. They just looked at me and I could feel so much love. Also recalls seeing her body from above lying in the hospital bed.
- Lightning strike survivor uses his second chance at life to give others a second chance, too. - In story mentions as CPR was being preformed was on his lifeless body, Rogers had an out-of-body experience.
- Man who survived brush with death gives others Thanksgiving feast - Article mentions. "The next thing I know, I'm looking down at myself and my spirit's leaving this imaginary light in the helicopter that's not supposed to be there," he recalled. "I don't know how long it was, but life flashed in front of my eyes."
- Olympic hopeful has Near-Death Experience that teaches her “God has a plan for us all” - She says her grandfather — who’d died several months earlier — appeared beside her with a loving smile. PopPop looked younger and healthier. Aubrie smiles. He was so happy to see me.
- Nottingham man described what he saw during his near-death experience - as a 'wonderful' place. I was sitting in a beautiful garden in the warm sunshine. There was a high hedge behind me and I could hear voices and laughter from the other side.