Cabudare: The Mystic Rose cries tears of blood for the bombing of the Divina Pastora.

May 27, 2011 - Reported in Also video clip [here]. Translated from Spanish. In the morning the Mystical Rose shed many tears of blood in the area of Pueblo Nuevo in Cabudare. Maria Barragan inhabitant of the sector was in the House of Food "Juan de Dios Ponte" chatting with her friends about the damage that occurred yesterday in the image of the Divina Pastora when they in turn also prayed asking the Lord God and the virgin to heal a girl who is in the hospital that is familiar to a close friend, when they realize that in the face of the Virgin had several drops of blood.
"When you turned exclaimed: Mrs. Joan the virgin is crying, we got everyone, we ran in, I touched The Virgin's nose and drop of blood fell on my finger and smelled and it had that characteristic smell "Said Barragan. It's unfair what they did to our Pastor. Yesterday when they heard the news of the vandalism damage. The Divina Pastora community dedicated themselves to pray at the Mystical Rose, which is the same Virgin Mary, to condemn the acts of vandalism. This morning likewise gathered to cry to God for peace in the country to stop these tragedies. |
It is not the first time, it is the third time the blood has cried Rosa Mystica. Six years ago also saw this when a lady asked by a girl who had leukemia, and two months ago when there were floods in the country. "Every time our mother feels sorry this miracle happens, and maybe this sad for what happened yesterday," Maria Barragan finishes. |