Picture of the Blessed Mother and Infant Jesus that oiled



My picture that oiled, you can see the oil on baby Jesus leg and on the Virgin's lower corner of her robe.


April 18, 2004 - Photos/story by Michele Melnyk. My first experience was about two years ago (ash Wed). I went to this house where I had heard the statues were weeping oil and numerous miracles we occurring daily. At the time I was seeking a miracle, my husbands close cousin was terminally ill and we needed a miracle fast. Long story short, we did receive our miracle [see testimony] and after one year of recovery from 7 stokes, an almost amputated finger (healed from the oil and prayer) and much more, my husband cousin is fully healed and the doctors are calling him a miracle.

The owners wishes to remain anonymous. I have become friends with them and make monthly visits. I take my own statues with me when I visit and they exude oil (rose scented) every time I enter the home. When you enter the home you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, you are at peace with yourself, a feeling I really can not explain. Every day the owners font fills with oil, they extract the oil put it in film canisters filled with a cotton ball and distribute them to all of their visitors. It is extraordinary to witness the work of the Lord and the Virgin Mary.