Our Lady of Częstochowa cries, Cathedral of St. Stanislaus Kostka - Poland

The very cathedral where St. Faustina got her calling (from Jesus) to become a nun.



December 20, 2024 - Reported [here], [here], and [here]. Rough translation from Polish. The faithful noticed tears flowing from one of Mary's eyes about a week ago.

Image of Our Lady of Częstochowa in the Archcathedral Basilica of Saint. Stanisław Kostka is located behind the altar. According to information that the faithful pass on to each other, for the first time tears in the image of the Mother of God appeared around December 13, 2024. One of the priests who was there touched the picture and found that there was a wet drop in the eye.

I saw clearly that the picture is wet. Says one of the people who saw crying Mary. And indeed. Looking at the pictures, you can see that a stream of liquid flows from one of the eyes of the Mother of God. It is visible on shots taken from different angles. We asked the spokesman for the Curia about the position of the Metropolitan Curia of Łódź in the crying case of Mary.


*Following excerpt are from [this] video about the above events.

Crying Icon in Łódź, Poland: On December 13, 2024, an image of Our Lady of Częstochowa reportedly began to cry in the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Łódź, Poland. This event is viewed by some as significant, particularly given its connection to St. Faustina's spiritual journey and the symbolism of Marian tears as a call for repentance and reflection.

Connection to St. Faustina Kowalska: St. Faustina, a Polish nun known for her role in promoting the Divine Mercy devotion, had a profound spiritual encounter in the same basilica, where she felt called by Christ to dedicate her life to religious service. This location played a pivotal role in her journey, marking a spiritual awakening that led to her joining a convent in Warsaw.

What Jesus Speaks to St. Faustina at the Dance Words of Jesus: "How long shall I put up with you, and how long will you keep pushing me off?" Result: St. Faustina is deeply struck by this vision of Jesus, who appeared "wrapped with pain, stripped of his clothing, and covered with wounds." This encounter prompts her to leave the dance and seek solace and guidance in prayer at the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus Kostka.

Jesus Speaks to St. Faustina in the Cathedral Words of Jesus: "Go at once to Warsaw. You will enter a convent there." Result: St. Faustina feels a clear calling and acts immediately. She leaves the Cathedral, returns home to make necessary arrangements, and then departs for Warsaw with no possessions except a single dress. This marks the beginning of her journey as a nun and her mission to spread the message of Divine Mercy.

In the same Cathedral of St. Stanislaus Kostka, on December 13, 2024, the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa reportedly began crying. This event is interpreted by some as a continuation of divine messages to humanity, emphasizing mercy, repentance, and renewal."


[Read/view] St. Faustina Kowalska's Diary - Divine Mercy in My Soul.