Virgin of the Valley wept blood in Barquisimeto, Venezuela



Pilgrims vist weeping Mary.


April 11, 2024 - Rough translation from Spanish. Reported [here] and [here] video [here] and (see at 18:17 minute mark) [here]. The image of the Virgin of the Valley, revered by the Diaz family, who reside in the urbanization Las Americas, west of Barquisimeto, Lara state, moved the entire community by shedding tears of blood.

The community has approached the housing of the Diaz family to pray and witness the event that has come to renew the Marian faith.

The first demonstration in the image occurred on Monday, April 8, since then it has been repeated three times, twice on Monday at 2:21 and 3:34 in the afternoon, and on Tuesday, April 9 at 11:00 in the morning.

The owner of the house where the image of the Virgin of the Valley, Dalia Díaz, is located, said she professes a deep faith and constantly asks for the health of her family.

He also told how the experience of seeing this divine manifestation was when he detailed that his daughter was the first person to observe the tears in the image of the Virgin of the Valley.

In his opinion, blood tears bring a message to everyone, so he considered reflection necessary.