Reported [here]. Video [here]. A case of Stigmata is Mother Mary Teresa of the Holy Trinity Aycinena Piñol was born in Guatemala on April 15, 1784. Within a few days she received the sacrament of baptism and confirmation in the Church of Candelaria by Archbishop Cayetano Francos and Monrroy. Her full name was Maria Teresa Anastasia Cayetana. From her earliest childhood, she received a careful Christian education, her mother taught her respect for God, love for Jesus Christ, fear of sin and the importance of charity. Maria Teresa, even though she was a little girl, devoted a lot of time to Prayer and participated in the daily Eucharist.
She took the habit of the Carmelites at the age of 23, on November 21, 1807. She professed solemn vows on November 24, 1808. Her delicate health obliged her to bed many times. During those years she experienced most of the mystical phenomena that characterize his life. In 1812 they affirmed her writings, Christ put in his head a nail of his passion, and the following year the crown of thorns. These spiritual pains were more when the first of March of 1816, the first Friday of Lent, appeared in her hands impressions of the sores of passion. That same year she claims to have celebrated spiritual marriage with Christ. In her hand, from that day, a ring was printed on the ring as a sign of a marriage alliance.
To these supernatural phenomena followed other more majors. The Archbishop of Guatemala cautiously took care to gather written testimony of these spiritual phenomena, both from the same mother Maria Theresa, her confessor and the other nuns who lived with her.
"the Lord gave me the canvas." They took it in their hands and when they unfolded they found a wonderfully formed heart with a prodigious cross upon it, at the foot two other hearts, on the right side three nails, a little below a pilgrim crown, under the hearts a selvedge, a sore of side With a small heart.
After several years locked up in her convent and manifesting various actions of stigmata, she died in the early hours of November 29, 1841, at 57 years of age. The Guatemalans began a process of beatification throughout their trajectory of mystical phenomena. On April 30, 2008, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Guatemala City, the Diocesan Process of Canonization was opened and the court that will be in charge of it was sworn in.
Following from (translated from Spanish) mariateresa/tripod.4 - María Teresa Anastasia Cayetana was born in New Guatemala of the Assumption, on April 15, 1784. She was baptized and confirmed in the Church of Candelaria, by Archbishop Don Cayetano Francos and Monroy. From her earliest childhood, she received a careful Christian education. Her mother instilled respect for God, love for Jesus Christ, horror for sin and a desire for innocent and pure life. On November 21, 1807, she took the habit with the Discalced Carmelites and on November 24, 1808 he made the religious profession. And once in the convent, she devoted herself fully to the exercise of all virtues, and especially to humility, to blind obedience, to the most severe penance, to the total surrender of his whole being to God.
The Lord granted her to participate in his flesh, his Passion. In 1814 she fractured her head, hip and leg. In 1815 she remained in bed with a serious illness that had her crippled. In 1816, when she was 32 he began to experience extraordinary mystical graces: ecstasy, rapture, impression of sores, transverberation of the heart. All these mystical phenomena were witnessed by their religious sisters, ecclesiastical and civil authorities. After fasts, closures, abstinences and sufferings she was miraculously cured of his diseased leg. Despite her poor health, Maria Teresa was able to withstand great trials, terrible purifications, indescribable inner pains, many years of harsh illness. All her life was of continuous struggles and work, but always united, always favored singularly of God. The Church will one day judge the heroic virtues. On November 29, 1841, at 4:15 am, she was separated from this world to be with the Lord, whom she loved so much.
