Eucharistic Miracle of Marisa Rossi February 6, 1997
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[See here] On February 6th 1997 Marisa continued to be ill: "Your sister is in a very critical situation, more than you can imagine. She shows to be very courageous, even if she feels alone and, especially in the night, two tears stream down her face of suffering, of pain, of exhaustion". Our Lady in the presence of Don Claudio and of the young people gave Marisa a blood-stained host. After having consumed the host, she muttered: "Jesus, you are sweet, you are very sweet", alluding to the blood that she was tasting in her mouth. A few days later Our Lady spoke about the eucharistic miracle happened the previous thursday: "The great eucharistic miracle happened again: on last thursday you saw the blood of my son Jesus in the holy host. This miracle is a proof for all the men of the earth, especially for the priests, that my son Jesus is present in that little host with his body, blood, soul and divinity". The Mother of the Eucharist invited us to fast, to do the Way of the Cross, to take part in the prayer vigils in reparation of the sins and to pay attention and meditate the readings of the Holy Mass; it seems that she doesn't want to neglect anything if only her children could grow spiritually. [See/view] A host came out of the chest of a Crucifix and flew like a white butterfly through the glass and the host landed on outside of the glass for Marisa. For many decades Our Lady has appeared in private to [Marisa Rossi] in Rome and she has given God's messages for all mankind about the Eucharist which is the heart of the Catholic faith. In June 1993 she asked in the name of God that the messages be made public and since 1995 many [Eucharistic Miracles] have happened. Our Lady said: I am The Mother of the Eucharist, know Jesus' word. Love Jesus the Eucharist. Since 1971 Marisa Rossi has been assisted by the Bishop Claudio Gatti, her spiritual director, who founded the Movimento Impegno e Testimonianza -"Madre dell'Eucaristia", a prayer movement for the "Triumph of the Eucharist". H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti acknowledged the supernatural origin of the apparitions and of the Eucharist Miracles (Decree of September 14th 2000). The apparitions ended with the visionary's death, happened on August 8th 2009. Learn more about these events [here], [here] and [here].