Photo of Our Lady weeping tears of blood



Mother Mary cries tears of blood.



In Phoenix, Arizona, Patricia Mundorf was given messages from the Blessed Virgin under the title Our Mother of the World. Associated with these Apparitions are two statues one of Our Lady, the other Jesus which are said to on occasion weep blood. Mrs. Patricia Mundorf currently lives in Phoenix Az, is married, and has three grown children who are all now married. Pat receives messages for the world on all First and Third Saturdays.

Patricia has suffered many trials in her life. In 1987, she was the hapless victim of a criminal assault that left her with permanent brain damage. Since 1990, she has suffered congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, lung dysfunction and diabetes, requiring constant treatment and frequent surgery. Pat also has had surgery for advanced arthritis and was forced to use a walker until the Blessed Virgin Mary came to her aid and helped her walk again. In 1995, she started receiving visits from Our Blessed Mother, who has been guiding her life. After multiple contacts over a period of time, Our Lady has recently asked Pat to start releasing her messages to the public.

May 13, 2003

Bill Mundorf is still having the prayer meetings in his home and would be happy to mail rose petals to anyone who desires them. All are welcome to attend the Marian Prayer Meetings which Bill Mundorf continues to hold at his home on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at 12:00 p.m: William Mundor 404 N. Broadway Sterling, Kansas 67579.

Bill has a large quantity of rose petals which he would be happy to mail to those who would like them. These are rose petals from the rose bushes around the Mundorf shrine of the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother personally blesses the roses and the petals also have been given healing properties. Please mail Bill a self-addressed, stamped envelope and he will send you a few rose petals. Bill's wife, Patricia Mundorf, now deceased, had been a visionary and locutionist for many years. Bill continues with the prayer meetings and the distribution of rose petals which is part of their ministry.

Please note - Patrica went home to The Lord on September 30, 2001. Please keep her and family in your prayers.



Visit The Mundorf [website].