Image of the Virgin cries every day through a glass frame Monterrey, Mexico

The picture of the Virgin Mary Help was given by a Bolivian priest more than 14 years. She cries every day through the glass that protects it.


As the reporter spoke with her, drops began to fall from the face of the Image of Mother Mary and Child Jesus. The Image of Mary and The Child Jesus that cries is pictured above bottom center of photo with cotton to catch the tears.


It begins in 1996 with another Image, that of Jesus Christ, which began to mourn, though intermittently. Eventually he stopped and now there are traces of moisture in the tarnished Image.


Close-up of The Blessed Mother weeping and Child Jesus Image of Mary and The Child Jesus that cries Jesus and The Blessed Mother appear in the petals of roses



March 25, 2013 - Reported [here]. Rough translation from Spanish. A miracle of faith. In Monterrey, the image of a virgin cries every day. The picture of the Virgin Mary Help was given by a Bolivian priest more than 14 years. She cries every day through the glass that protects it. At the place where hundreds of people to see this and other phenomena that still does not explain the Church.

The manifestation of the image, first pours right eye a tear sliding down her cheek. The other tears will come later. For the past 14 years has continued to mourn. It is the Mecca of prayer, nor cathedral of prayer, but a virgin who cries every day and believers and atheists seek it for different reasons. This is the case of those who say it is the most miraculous of a Mexico home.

Just over 14 years the father Renzo, Cochabamba, gave more than a dozen prints of the faithful of Mary Help of Christians in Monterrey. Ermila Mrs. Carrasco was one of them and a few days before the demonstration was perplexed photo. It's eyes welled image raindrops, day and night. He sought an answer in a priest friend who was accompanied by other religious to reveal the mystery, however no explanation, just the act of harboring the faith of believers. "The Church is very cautious, have to wait, you continue just as they are told." At his suggestion, the home owners put a protective glass by hand, but the image of the Virgin continued shedding tears slipping out of the glass. Parishioners call it miracle.


A little history


It begins in 1996 with another image, that of Jesus Christ, which began to mourn, though intermittently. Eventually he stopped and now there are traces of moisture in the tarnished image of the left side bet small box `miracle '. Two years later, in 1998, arrived in Bolivia a Salesian priest who gave images of the Virgin Mary Help and above fifty people, the image of Ms. Carrasco began to shed tears. To date it has not stopped even one day.

In the small house converted into a chapel, now the box about 40 inches long and 25 high rests on an altar surrounded by other images and where there are cottons the foot to absorb the tears. As a matter of Ms. Carrasco, salty know as a human. The entrance to the main room of the modest house deserves a special respect for the mystical silence and peace that there is perceived. It smells like roses. This room is about 30 square meters and is located in a southern suburb of the city of Monterrey.

As we talked with her, drops began to fall from the face of the image. His house is open to visitors from 14.30 to 18.00. Tell the owner that the flow of visitors began to alter their daily activities, especially meals and rest. For five years they decided to put a sign on the door, handwritten, with the visitation schedule that meets rigor: Monday to Friday from 14:30 to 18:00, and from 15:00 to pray the rosary. In this ritual the image of the virgin cries often. During the interview with the duty shed two tears image in the solitude of a Monday holiday morning Monterrey (gentile residents of Monterrey).


Other manifestations


But, in addition to "the virgin weeping," as it is known in the vicinity of the neighborhood Pius X, other paranormal or supernatural phenomena in the central area of the house now converted into a sanctuary. It's in the living room floor, three feet in front of the altar, an image of the virgin marked. With the moisture from a wet rag, contrasts better demarcate figure that resembles the Virgin of Guadalupe. Another curiosity that happen there is the formation of images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin in the petals of roses that daily worship.

Tell the owner of the house that a lady of the San Pedro (district), near the church Our Lady of Fatima, sent every day a bouquet of roses to the Virgin. "The placed below the large image of the Virgin and some petals fall, many of them formed an image of Christ or the Virgin. After a year and a half we began to realize this event," he says. The image of Christ left to mourn. The photo shows impaired by moisture of tears, as the owner. While praying the rosary, a petal fell, was warm and open minutes later, contained a purported image of Christ with a crown formed in its folds. Suggestion, imagination, religious faith or what you believe or understand any mortal.

"When the petals began what many suspicious and said that we played, but this continued, now give them to people with a cotton swab and a prayer to the Virgin. Certain images remain, others fade and why not have an explanation, "says this housewife who turned 60 on 12 January. But that's not all, sometimes you hear noises at night coming from the pews. "It's as if someone is willing to kneel at the altar to pray, hear the creaking of the wood," he says and narrows his eyes, shows teeth while separated from her mouth.

Everything indicates that the property is special. The owner says was once a wooden house, where his father and also occupied by marrying them. At one point they moved to San Juan de Jalisco and back, about 8 years later, managed to be more comfortable.
mages of the Virgin and Jesus Christ in rose petals that form in the house. The room smells of roses, a devotee takes a bouquet every day, says it's a promise fulfilled. Doña Ermila had three sons and a widow for five years of the former school teacher in life. He currently lives with his youngest son, 26, her daughter and one of her grandchildren. He says he never had any health problems or in raising their children.

"This box has more than 14 years crying. I tell you all this has to be faith, we never imagined would happen. All we want for the people who come are blessings and God granted what people ask . many priests have come to Monterrey and elsewhere, but the visit. The Church has not pronounced and were told that it may take 70 years to do so. recently started a daily testimony to make it a record, because we will not to be within 70 years, "he says resignedly.

Through a friend sent a photo and a petal to Pope John Paul II, who gave them in their hands, the pontiff's response was to smile and admit that he knew this case. Never received a statement from the Vatican. While waiting for the papal letter the years pass and the devotees and parishioners continue for a miracle. The House of the Weeping Madonna will guarded through faith in this humble family in the eyes of curious neighbors who are spending their days sitting in their paths crooked New Colonies neighborhood of Monterrey.


The philosophy of faith

Reading these facts, unrealistic for some, inexplicable to others, has its manifestation in faith. "When all this started many understand and some do not. I said, Lord, if this is yours then go ahead, no one really knows, knows things .... I'm giving a testimony of faith, and I do believe, always I have believed since childhood, the rosary always have done the Virgin and also my children's instilled. always was Catholic. said that these things happen when you change your religion, but not me. I open the door but always I say, Lord this is your home, go ahead and take care of everybody, you know what you are going to ask, what they want, just do not let them go as they arrived; pray one Our ​​Father, one Hail Mary in my mind and nothing more. "

Hundreds of pilgrims arrive daily. Monday to Friday from 15:00 pray a rosary. These events changed her life. Claiming to not be a virgin asked nothing in return and no profits from this movement of people passing by your house every day. He says that these facts gave peace and tranquility. "I pray to the Virgin to ask for the sick, for those in need, those who are in prison, of course we do need, but you Lord, I say, is the time for each of us, then you know ".

It is considered a normal person, and admits that reflects God. "I say, if I get you here I am, if you want to say something special because you tell me I know nothing really". That some people ask why the tears. "They stood in front and said, 'Hey, tell him I cry, I cry," I was with this anxiety for several years, hoping that they comply with their orders. I wanted everyone to be very peaceful. " It recognizes that there are many similar cases in the world, but with the experiences Ermila Carrasco has become an instrument of faith.


The Virgin and globalization

At first the neighborhood came out of curiosity, now everyone in the area know what is happening there and why so many pilgrimage, however, the "Weeping Madonna" has had more impact internationally. The program Primer Impacto, the Fox, and a special program of Australia, that connected with the case that cries blood of Christ in Cochabamba, have testified to the phenomena occurring in the house behind the bridge bending by a steep little street. That has caused the concern of Japanese, European and American seeking to know in detail what is happening there. "We realized that when the cameras caught the tears began to come more people." As elsewhere, no one is a prophet in his land and premises took longer to attend. Some media Monterrey came to claim him to the owner why he had not been warned before.


A modest home in the neighborhood South Pio X Monterrey


But the rush of people is given on May 24, the day in which more than 3,000 people attended the Monterrey, Puebla, Matamoros, Saltillo and other neighboring towns. Easter and the December 12 dates where the media are performed miraculous stories of the house. "They come to record when the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. At this time a cross appears under the pews, the mop is more noticeable, "he said.