In one of Saint Don Bosco's dreams he spoke of South America, but that at a place between the l5th and 20th parallels there would come riches far greater than gold.



The 19th Century Saint known for his many dreams, was the Italian Saint, St. Don Bosco. In one dream he spoke of the future missionary role the Salesian religious order he founded would have in South America, and then he went on to foretell of something that would happen in our times. He spoke of riches of minerals and oil that would be found in the mountains of South America, but that at a place between the l5th and 20th parallels there would come riches far greater than gold, not from within the mountains but through the mountains and spread beyond the continent of South America causing the eyes of the world to turn to that place.

That place, it seems, is Cochabamba in Central Bolivia, in a landlocked country considered to be economically one of the poorest countries in South America-yet rich in many other ways. What Don Bosco meant by riches more valuable than gold that would come through the mountains of this place has never been understood up to now. But two events unfolded in Cochabamba that would certainly make the eyes of the world turn to this place and think about Don Bosco’s prophetic dream.