Italian man got his eyesight restored in Medjugorje. After 30 years of myopia, my husband got a perfect eye sight back in Medjugorje, says Lina Martelli from Catanzaro, Italy |
Lina Martelli and her husband in front of St James Church in Medjugorje. Having lived for 30 years with myopia, a few days later Mr. Martelli did not need to wear glasses anymore. |
Still wearing glasses, Mr. Martelli watches what his wife describes as the clear outline of the Virgin Mary in a cloud above Medjugorje on October 3rd 2009. “I was sure: it was the Madonna. For a moment, I no longer saw a cloud in the likeness of Mary, but the face, flesh and blood of Our Lady of Medjugorje. The same face that is portrayed in the statue in the church of the village” says Lina Martelli. |
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October 8, 2012 - Reported in After 30 years of myopia, my husband got a perfect eye sight back in Medjugorje, says Lina Martelli from Catanzaro, Italy. “When his glasses disappeared, I told him not to worry because he had left them to the Madonna” she tells. Mrs. Martelli also saw the Virgin Mary in the clouds.Lina Martelli and her husband in front of St James Church in Medjugorje. Having lived for 30 years with myopia, a few days later Mr. Martelli did not need to wear glasses anymore. Shortsightedness had been a fact of life for 30 years for the husband of Lina Martelli. But only until the south Italian couple first visited Medjugorje in October 2009, Mrs. Martelli tells the local newspaper Catanzaro Informa. Lina Martelli’s husband, who goes un-named in the local news coverage, lost his glasses while climbing Cross Mountain. The glasses were never found again, but as it later turned out they were not needed any longer, Lina Martelli testifies: Still wearing glasses, Mr. Martelli watches what his wife describes as the clear outline of the Virgin Mary in a cloud above Medjugorje on October 3rd 2009. “I was sure: it was the Madonna. For a moment, I no longer saw a cloud in the likeness of Mary, but the face, flesh and blood of Our Lady of Medjugorje. The same face that is portrayed in the statue in the church of the village” says Lina Martelli “Like all pilgrims, we took the tortuous path to the cross on Cross Mountain. My husband wore his glasses as always because he had been myopic for 30 years. However, upon returning he realized that he had lost his glasses. then thought that perhaps he had forgotten them at the hotel” Lina Martelli tells Catanzaro Informa. “That was not the case because a video showed that he had been wearing his glasses on the way up the mountain. Anyway, my husband never found his glasses and went on with the pilgrimage without them. A little depressed, on the ferry back home he said he had to buy another pair so would have to face another expense.” For Lina Martelli, this cloud turned into a vision of the Virgin Mary moments after the photo was taken, she tells “Smiling, I told him not to worry because he had left them to Our Lady. Upon our return, we went to see the ophthalmologist, and the doctor said that my husband did not need glasses, because he could see normally.” Medjugorje Today has been researching in vain to find the first name of Mr. Martelli.